Teeth Whitening
At Gallagher Dentistry & Facial Pain Center we offer two take-home teeth whitening options: Colgate Optic White System and Opalescence Go Whitening. Opalescence Go is the perfect option for patients who are looking for convenient, ready-to go whitening. A professional whitening gel is delivered in prefilled, disposable trays, and can deliver dramatic results in as little as 15 minutes per day. Teeth whitening is most effective on patients with healthy gums and teeth. Patients with restoration on their teeth, including fillings, crowns, veneers and bonding, do not benefit from teeth whitening procedures. Please feel free to ask any if you are a good candidate for whitening. Whitening is not recommended for children under 16 years old, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, patients with sensitive teeth, or patients who have very dark stains. While most patients see results after only one treatment, several teeth whitening treatments may be necessary for optimal results. Patients should discuss their expectations with the dentist prior to the teeth whitening procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening
When can normal activities resume after teeth whitening?
Patients at Gallagher Dentistry & Facial Pain Center can resume normal activities immediately after the teeth whitening procedure. For the longest-lasting results, patients should avoid foods and beverages that stain the teeth, including wine and coffee. Smoking stains the teeth, requiring the patient to have additional treatments to maintain a white smile.
Is there any pain associated with the teeth whitening procedure?
Typically, patients do not experience discomfort during the procedure. After the procedure, the teeth may be sensitive to hot and cold. Our dentist may recommend toothpaste for sensitive teeth.