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Proven TMJ Relief with MAGO Therapy

Proven TMJ Relief with MAGO Therapy

So, you’ve tried every remedy you can think of – home remedies, pain medication, relaxation techniques, etc. – but your jaw pain won’t go away. You’ve even been to a couple of doctors, but nothing they suggest seems to help. You think it’s TMJ, but you’re not sure what to do and no one else seems to know either.

As a TMJ treatment Dentist with over 30 years of experience in practicing dentistry, I have heard this same story from countless patients. I’m here today to tell you that obtaining relief from TMJ/TMD is possible, and you don’t need surgery to do it.

If you believe you have TMJ disorder, and you’re searching for relief from your pain and symptoms, I urge you to consider my advanced treatment option called MAGO (Maxillary Anterior Guided Orthotic) Therapy. This non-surgical, non-invasive therapeutic approach is one of the single most effective methods for providing long-term TMD relief.

Through this method, the proper alignment of the jaw joints in their resting position can be determined with extreme accuracy. This data can then be used to calibrate an oral split that provides precise positioning for optimal results and lasting relief.

To date, MAGO Therapy is the ONLY type of splint therapy that has been scientifically proven to help with TMJ problems. Below, I’ve discussed an overview of a cohort study conducted by dental industry colleagues that demonstrates the effectiveness of this method. During this study, they were able to obtain evidence that MAGO Therapy is able to either eliminate or provide substantial relief from the majority of TMD symptoms.

Scientific Study of MAGO Splint Therapy

Up until recently, there has been very little scientific evidence that occlusal splints are an effective method for treating TMJ Disorder. In general, dentists have relied heavily on anecdotal evidence and testimonies from patients. Now, however, we are seeing a shift in this mindset. Treatment modalities based on scientifically-backed research are becoming the golden standard. Still, there is a lack of EVIDENCE regarding the effectiveness of using splint therapy for treating TMD. This is what inspired a group of colleagues to initiate a study. The goal was to see if they could bridge the gap between anecdotal and verifiable, scientific evidence.

In 2015, they conducted a cohort study to determine the effectiveness of a particular type of occlusal device, known as the MAGO Splint. The study evaluated “12” different TMD symptoms, including temporomandibular joint popping, clicking, and locking, jaw, neck, shoulder, and mouth-opening pain, headaches, earaches, tinnitus, and clenching and grinding of teeth. The goal was to see how the MAGO Splint affected these symptoms.

A cohort study of 157 dental patients were used as the subjects for this study. Patients had mixed histories in terms of their dental health but had either all or some of the symptoms of TMJ mentioned above. The results of this study were astounding. It found that the BMAGO Intraoral Splint produced a reduction in 11 of the 12 examined symptoms.

To date, this is the only study that proves the effectiveness of any occlusal device for treating TMD. Therefore, MAGO Therapy is the only type of splint therapy that has been PROVEN to be effective in reducing TMD symptoms.

TMJ Treatment Methods

There are a number of methods are used by medical professionals for treating TMD, including medication, strengthening and relaxation exercises, physical therapy, acupuncture, and lifestyle adjustments. However, perhaps one of the most common methods used by dentists today is Oral Appliance Therapy, also known as Splint Therapy.

Splint Therapy relies on the use of a removable, oral apparatus that is fit over the teeth and worn for a specified period of time. The goal is to help the jaw muscles relax so that the jaw joints can move into their proper position, thereby relieving the associated pain and symptoms.

There are many different types of occlusal splints that dentists use for treating TMD. However, the only one that has been scientifically proven to be effective is the MAGO Splint.

MAGO Splint Therapy Benefits for Patients

Since 1987, I have had the privilege to work on numerous patients suffering from TMD. I can confidently tell you that in my experience, I have never seen a treatment modality more successful than MAGO Therapy.

Not only is MAGO Therapy non-invasive and non-surgical, but improvement is also quite fast. Many of my patients are able to obtain relief from their symptoms in just a few short weeks.

Some of the advantages of this method are:
• High rate of success: Debilitating symptoms can be reduced or, in some cases, even eliminated entirely.
• Accuracy: Once the jaw joints are stable, an accurate diagnosis can be obtained. An accurate diagnosis is essential for treatment to be successful.
• Scientifically proven: The MAGO Splint is the only occlusal device that has been scientifically proven to reduce TMD symptoms.
• Minimally invasive: MAGO Therapy is a minimally invasive, non-surgical treatment option that allows the patient to remain generally comfortable throughout the process.
• Faster relief: Patients are generally able to obtain relief faster with MAGO Therapy than with joint surgery. It may take months for a patient to fully recover from surgery and experience the benefits of their treatment. However, with MAGO Therapy, patients start to see an improvement in as fast as three weeks.

Splint Therapy

During treatment, the MAGO Splint is inserted into the patient’s mouth and fitted over the upper teeth. The patient continues to wear the splint throughout the duration of therapy. Adjustments to the device are made periodically in order to coax the TMJs to shift gradually and move the jaw into a stable, healthy position.

Once each week, you will visit my office so we can check up on your progress. During your visit, I will observe, measure, and document the position of your jaw, also known as your “hinge axis.” Then, based on these measurements, I will make any necessary adjustments to the device.

Making these adjustments helps to correct the alignment of your jaw so that the facial muscles can relax. When the muscles relax, they are no longer pulling on your TMJs, allowing them to move into their proper position. Through this process, we should be able to resolve most, if not all, of your pain and symptoms.

This phase of the treatment process usually lasts about 4-12 weeks. However, every patient is different, and in some cases, the length of therapy may need to be extended.

Diagnosing Underlying Issues

Once the first phase of treatment is complete, we can go on to the next step, which is diagnosing the underlying issues that caused your jaw to become unstable in the first place.

Splint therapy is effective for treating TMJ symptoms and repositioning the TMJs. However, it does not solve the problem of why your jaw joints and muscles reacted this way to begin with. Therefore, in order to resolve your symptoms long-term, we need to get down to the root cause of your condition.

This means identifying the biologic issues that are present, such as worn down or misaligned teeth, teeth overcrowding, abnormal bite patterns, misshapen teeth, and other potential concerns.

Biologic & Minimally Invasive Dental Treatments

The final phase in the treatment process once we have a diagnosis is to restore your dental system back to full health. We can do this by correcting any biologic issues at hand with holistic, minimally invasive treatments.

Your treatment plan may include several components, but rest assured that we will be as conservative as possible. Not only will this help you remain comfortable throughout the process, but it will also provide you with better, longer lasting results.

How MAGO Therapy Stabilizes Your Jaw

In the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of research conducted on the temporomandibular joints and their role in the dental system. We now know that the health of the TMJs can be directly affected by jaw alignment.

When the jaw is not properly aligned, and the upper and lower teeth do not come together as they should, it can put stress on the chewing muscles. The chewing muscles attempt to compensate for the issue and have to work harder than normal to operate the jaw. This leads to painful muscle spasms.

The spasming muscles repeatedly contract and pull on the temporomandibular joints, as well as the surrounding back, facial, and neck muscles. In some cases, the jaw joint disc may become displaced, exposing sensitive nerves and causing further pain and aggravation.

During TMJ treatment, I focus on repositioning and stabilizing the jaw joints. My goal is to help the TMJs to be able to find a true resting position when not in use and have proper alignment. This results not only in improved functionality, but also better comfort for the patient.

MAGO Splint Therapy makes the process of stabilizing the jaw joints possible. The MAGO Splint allows me to precisely locate the bite position that will allow your jaw joints to relax when at rest. This way, they can also function correctly when you are using them for speaking, swallowing, and eating.

This approach to therapy takes the guesswork out of the diagnostic process. It is both extremely precise and accurate. The more accurate we can be in diagnosis, the more effective we can be in the treatment process.

More About Gallagher Dentistry & Facial Pain Center

Dr. Michael Gallagher and our Eden Prairie Dentistry team are committed to providing exceptional care and empowering our patients with information about their dental health. If you have any questions about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, we invite you to give us a call at (952) 942-9600. The outstanding experience of our dental team, Dr. Gallagher, and the skills of our staff have helped us in successfully treating our patient’s oral problems. We’re always welcoming new patients throughout Eden Prairie, Chanhassen, Bloomington, Minnetonka, Edina, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Burnsville, Plymouth, Eagan, Richfield and surrounding areas. For more information, please contact us!

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